The Work-Life Effectiveness Assessment

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Are you one of the seven in ten workers who has experienced three or more stress related illnesses? You don’t have to be.

Do you take better care of your business than you do yourself? This could affect your future success.

Are you too stressed? Do you feel like your work-life balance is precarious or has fallen off the cliff? It's time to consider the costs.

You may not be able to put a price tag on many things you are about, but isn't it time to invest more in yourself and what mattters most? If not now, when?

The Assessment and Report

Work life assessment report

When you take the Work-Life Effectiveness Assessment, you'll rate yourself according to 40 behaviors. The results will help you:

  • Manage the competing demands of your work and personal life.
  • Expand and anchor your real value.
  • Discover what limits your personal balance and what to do about it.
  • Respect yourself, your life, and your well-being
  • Establish enough structured support and prioritize wisely

You'll take the assessment online. Your scores will be sent to you right away. You will receive an overall score as well as a score, interpretation and suggestions for improvement in each of these areas: self-care, invest in your potential, manage relationships, develop resilience.

The Work-Life Assessment is being transferred to a new platform and will be up and running soon. Contact Barbara to be notifed when it's ready.

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